NGC 1333

Designation(s)NGC 1333, Ced 9, LBN 741
Object Type(s)Reflection Nebula
Relevant Catalog(s)All (Chron), NGC
Obs. Lat/Long42° 17', 073° 57'
Date and Time Observed2024-01-02 22:51:00
InstrumentEdgeHD 8" f10-2,032mm FL
Image DetailsUp is 270.7 degrees E of N. Total integration time was 54m 15s. Exposures 15s@305g, UV/IR Cut Filter. Darks subtracted, no flats in SharpCap. No guiding..
DescriptionI remember this being my second attempt on NGC 1333. The first a couple of weeks earlier had been on a poor night and ended badly. I went back prepared to capture an hour of data and did so.
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