Recent Observations
Herewith, a database of every observation I’ve ever made, most recent first! Click for more detail, or on the page links at the bottom to review more, 12 at a time, in descending chronological order…
Arp 89 / NGC 2648 and PGC 24469
Two interacting galaxies in Cancer.
Arp 137 / NGC 2914
A tiny, enigmatic galaxy in the same FOV as Arp 232. Did Dr. Arp make a mistake?
Arp 232 / NGC 2911
A lenticular galaxy with concentric rings? Or “appearance of fission?” Who knows?
Arp 307 / NGC 2974-2873-2872
Three NGC galaxies in a tight cluster. Two are very close together.
Arp 279 / NGC 1253
Gorgeous galaxy, amazing capture considering it was cut short in 4m45s.
Arp 123 / NGC 1888 and 1889
Looks like the Starship Enterprise
Arp 308 / Abell 194
A very challenging target for my 100th Arp, captured in a 2-for with Arp 133
Arp 133 / Minkowskis Object / Abell 194
A very challenging target for my 100th Arp
NGC 2170 / Angel Nebula
Very challenging nebula at the limits of EAA techniques
IC 434 / Horsehead Nebula
Return to a stunning target in Orion. Beautiful and great fun!
NGC 1931 and IC 417 / Spider and Fly Nebula
The spider is about to pounce! Challenging EAA target.
NGC 2903
Spectacular galaxy in Leo, part of the Virgo Supercluster. Discovered by William Herschel.