Designation(s) | Arp 285, NGC 2854, NGC 2856 |
Object Type(s) | Galaxy |
Relevant Catalog(s) | All (Chron), Arp, NGC |
Arp Category | Galaxies with infall and attraction |
Obs. Lat/Long | 42° 17', 073° 57' |
Constellation | Ursa Major |
Date and Time Observed | 2024-02-05 00:23:30 |
Instrument | 8" EdgeHD SCT |
Camera | ASI294mc-Pro |
Image Details | Up is 270.4 degrees E of N. Total integration time was 53m. Expsoure 30s@305g, darks subtracted, UV/IR Cut Filter, dithered and recentered in SharpCap. Darks subtracted, no flats. Dithered and recentered in SharpCap. No guiding.. |
Description | Captured in a combined image with Arp 1. These two emerged first, substantially brighter than Arp 1. The foreground galaxy, NGC 2854, is a spiral, barred galaxy forming an extended "S" curve pointing directly to NGC 2866 with a hint of a dust lane connecting them (seen more clearly in the Arp plate); NGC 2856 is a more regular, compact spiral. A jet visible in the Arp plate shoots in the general direction of Arp 1, explaining Arp's description that a "Narrow tail leads away from northern nucleus." The "jet" is not visible in my capture neither in color nor inverted grayscale. |
Related Observations | Arp001 (2) Arp285 (2) |
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