Arp 84 / Heron Galaxies / NGC 5394-5395

NameHeron Galaxies
Designation(s)Arp 84, NGC 5395, NGC 5394
Object Type(s)Galaxy
Relevant Catalog(s)All (Chron), Arp, NGC
Arp CategorySpiral galaxies with large high surface brightness companions on arms
Obs. Lat/Long42° 17', 073° 57'
ConstellationCanes Venatici
Date and Time Observed2024-05-31 23:23:00
InstrumentEdgeHD 8" f10-2,032mm FL
Image DetailsUp is 0.3 degrees E of N. Total integration time was 21m. Exposures 30s@305g, UV/IR Cut Filter. Darks subtracted, no flats. Dithered and recentered in SharpCap. No guiding.
DescriptionFinally a dark, moonless night to observe these galaxies. NGC 5395 is a near classic spiral galaxy only slightly distorted by its interaction with NGC 5394, which is an extreme barred spiral. Lovely. It certainly looks like a merger, or at least a strip of stars by 5395 from 5394, which presumably explains the barred spiral configuraiton. Often we see these galaxies by themselves: not often we get to see the theft in progress. The nickname Heron Galaxies is apt, though I don't see it widely used. Anyway, a fun capture on a dark night.
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