M12 / NGC 6218

Designation(s)M12, NGC 6218
Object Type(s)Globular Cluster
Relevant Catalog(s)All (Chron), Messier, NGC
Obs. Lat/Long42° 17', 073° 57'
Date and Time Observed2024-05-08 00:16:00
InstrumentEdgeHD 8" f10-2,032mm FL
Image DetailsUp is 271.6 degrees E of N. Total integration time was 10m 30s. Exposures 30s@305g, UV/IR Cut Filter. Darks subtracted, no flats. Dithered and recentered in SharpCap. No guiding.
DescriptionI'm going to miss the Messier objects when I've observed them all. Last night had a significant high cloud layer that made transparency terrible. Luckily there was no moon, so you could see through it. Observing galaxies was out of the question. What to do? Messier globular clusters are one answer. I collected 3 missing from my oevre: M10, M12, M14.
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