M8 / Lagoon Nebula / Sh2-25

NameLagoon Nebula
Designation(s)M8, Sh2-25, NGC 6523
Object Type(s)Emission Nebula
Relevant Catalog(s)All (Chron), Messier, NGC, Sharpless
Obs. Lat/Long42° 17', 073° 57'
Date and Time Observed2024-08-26 22:42:00
InstrumentAskar V 80mm w flattener f6.2-495mm FL
Image DetailsUp is 157.5 degrees E of N. Total integration time was 24m. Exposures 60s at 375g. Bin 2. L-eNhance Filter. Darks subtracted. Captured in SharpCap. No guiding, dithered every two frames..
DescriptionThis is a return visit to fab object. This new observation, now featured and first, is just gorgeous. I particularly love seeing the Trifid Nebula (M20) in the same frame. I hadn't planned observing it, but decided to "sneak" a look just in case. So happy. Compare to the earlier image in the gallery (objects #2 and #3)! The original visit -- Nov 22 2022 -- was one of my earliest attempts at a nebula in my EAA career. After only 4m of integration, and probably lacking any filter, the original "as processed" image barely showed anything. I don't think I realized you needed to stay on DSOs for longer to get decent quality. When building this website, and 18 months experience under my belt, I looked back at this original .png as saved, and was able to extract this image, which I don't remember seeing at the time. Still no calibration frames in use... I'm guessing I had to push down the black level to hide amp glow which darkened everything beyond recognition.
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