Saturn | 2024-11-13
Name | Saturn |
Designation(s) | Saturn |
Object Type(s) | Jupiter |
Relevant Catalog(s) | All (Chron) |
Obs. Lat/Long | 42° 17', 073° 57' |
Date and Time Observed | 2024-11-13 19:34:00 |
Instrument | EdgeHD 8" f10-2,032mm FL |
Camera | QHY 5-III 678C |
Image Details | Planetary Live Stacking in SharpCap. UV/IR Cut Filter. Filtering and Sharpening. |
Description | My first observation of Saturn, returning to planetary live stacking after 11 months off. I struggled a little in the beginning, but finally got a reasonable image. This is a stack of only about 200 images... I realized during Jupiter (a couple of hours later) that I could control that number, and should have once it was working. The Jupiter image taken next was a stack of 1500 images, and has higher resolution. Still, a great learning experience. |
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