All Listings in Chronological Order

This page lists all observations in order of observing date (oldest first). Click on Recents for descending date order.

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observations 241-250 of 256 total to date.

Date Thumbnail Title/link Designation(s) Comment
2024-09-10 23:08:00
M30 / Jellyfish Cluster
M30, NGC 7099, Jellyfish ClusterAn attractive GC, and one of the final southern Messier objects I was missing
2024-09-10 23:20:00
M34 / Spiral Cluster
M34, NGC 1039, Spiral ClusterI'm not usually attracted to open clusters, but this one has pretty star colors.
2024-09-11 21:00:00
Minkowski 1-64
Minkowski 1-64Tiny, faint planetary nebula
2024-09-11 23:30:00
Sh2-152 / Sh2-153
Sh2-153, Sh2-152Two emission nebulae of very different brightness. Challenging.
2024-09-13 21:56:00
The Moon
MoonMy first serious attempt at using SharpCap's live Lunar stacking with the moon
2024-10-04 04:22:00
M 79 / NGC 1904
M79 / NGC 1904Winter globular cluster: early AM observation
2024-10-04 04:43:00
M78 / NGC 2068
M78, NGC 2068A beautiful, small reflection nebula in Orion. Overshadowed by its gaudier neighbors.
2024-10-04 04:52:00
M50 / NGC 2323 / Heart Shaped Cluster
M50, NGC 2323, Heart Shaped ClusterAn open cluster with an impressive starfield.
2024-10-04 05:03:00
M47 / NGC 2422
M47, NGC 2422Another Messier open cluster, this one in Puppis.
2024-10-04 05:13:00
M93 / NGC 2447 / Critter Cluster
M93, NGC 2447, Critter ClusterAn interesting open cluster on a denser than average star-field. Don't see the critter, however.