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Arp 1 / NGC 2857
Beautiful, small galaxy. Captured as part of CN Feb 2024 EAA Challenge
Arp 104 / Keenans System
Two galaxies interacting… the little one is 14th magnitude.
Arp 120 / Eyes Galaxies
An exciting target to capture…. enjoyed watching the connections emerge.
Arp 16 / M66 / NGC 3627
Decent observation given full moon. Fabulous, complex object
Arp 26 / M101 / Pinwheel Galaxy
A dramatic galaxy that I’ve returned to many times
Arp 269 / Cocoon Galaxy
Gorgeous target. Large and fascinating!
Arp 278 / NGC 7253A-B
My first, consciously Arp capture is still a favorite.
Arp 285 / NGC 2854 / NGC 2856
Two galaxies with “infall and attraction”. The extended upper arm of the galaxy on the left appears to be attracted to the upper galaxy…
Arp 29 / Fireworks Galaxy / C12
My very first challenging galaxy capture, about 2 months after starting EAA.