M38 / NGC 1912 / Starfish Cluster

NameStarfish Cluster
Designation(s)M38, NGC 1912
Object Type(s)Open Cluster
Relevant Catalog(s)All (Chron), Messier, NGC
Obs. Lat/Long42° 17', 073° 57'
Date and Time Observed2024-04-20 21:44:00
InstrumentSeeStar S50 f5.0-250mm FL
CameraBuilt-in IMX462 Sensor
Image DetailsTotal integration time was 5m. Exposures 10s@auto gain. 93% moon; intermittent high clouds. Darks subtracted, no flats. .
DescriptionFourth capture of a strange evening when it rained right up to the moment it cleared around 9 PM. Because of the 93% moon, I had planned to capture a number of Messier objects, mostly clusters, using my EdgeHD. However, because of the late rain, I couldn't set up in advance, so I decided to observe with the SeeStar instead. The Starfish Cluster is famous. According to Wikipedia it was discovered prior to 1654, by astronomer Giovanni Hodiema, who discovered the Pinwheel Cluster about the same time.
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