M5 / Rose Cluster / NGC 5904

NameRose Cluster
Designation(s)M5, NGC 5904
Object Type(s)Globular Cluster
Relevant Catalog(s)All (Chron), Messier, NGC
Obs. Lat/Long42° 17', 073° 57'
Date and Time Observed2024-04-23 00:13:00
InstrumentEdgeHD 8" f10-2,032mm FL
Image DetailsUp is 274.5 degrees E of N. Total integration time was 10m 30s. Exposures 30s@305g, UV/IR Cut Filter. Full moon. Darks subtracted, no flats. Dithered and recentered in SharpCap. No guiding..
DescriptionMessier clusters are a "goto" on a full moon night, as they're so bright that if it's clear, you can achieve an observation of beauty. This may be my favorite globular cluster, which is saying a lot. Rose is an appropriate name: I love how the stars outside the main globular cluster form "petals", and there's even a "stem" formed by two lines of stars curving bottom left. Just lovely!
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