Recent Observations
Herewith, a database of every observation I’ve ever made, most recent first! Click for more detail, or on the page links at the bottom to review more, 12 at a time, in descending chronological order…
NGC 7331 with Stephans Quintet (Arp 319)
A favorite galaxy with two clusters thrown in.
Sh2-200 / Bearclaw Nebula
Very challenging, relatively large planetary nebula
LDN 1622 / Boogeyman Nebula
Obscure, challenging combo of dark and reflection nebula next to Barnard’s Loop in Orion
Sh2-292 / Seagull Nebula (Wide Field)
A lot going on around the Seagull.
California Nebula / NGC 1499 (Wide-Field)
Return to this classic, enormous emission nebula with my widest field telescope
Wide-field of Orion Nebula Complex
M42, M43, Running Man, and Coal Car Cluster all in one.
IC 405 / Flaming Star Nebula
Challenging target if you want to show the snot!
M33 / Triangulum Galaxy / NGC 598
Return visit to a favorite galaxy; second closest.
Leo Triplet – Mosaic / M65 / M66 / NGC 3628
Used Seestar’s mosaic mode for the first time. Very cool.
Carolines Rose / NGC 7789
Caroline Herschel, arguably the most influential female astronomer in history, discovered the gorgeous cluster.
Lowers Nebula | Sh2-261
A surprisingly obscure nebula near Orion.
Jones 1 | PK 104-29.1
A faint planetary nebula