Sh2-292 / Seagull Nebula (Wide Field)

NameSeagull Nebula
Designation(s)Sh2-292, IC 2177
Object Type(s)Emission Nebula
Relevant Catalog(s)All (Chron), IC, Sharpless
Obs. Lat/Long42° 17', 073° 57'
Date and Time Observed2024-12-01 23:25:00
InstrumentAskar FMA180-pro f4.0-180mm FL
Image DetailsUp is 270.1 degrees E of N. Total integration time was 20m. Exposures 30s@375g, l-eNhance Filter. Darks subtracted, no flats. Dithered and recentered in SharpCap. No guiding..
DescriptionPart of the December 24 CN EAA Challenge. Since I already had a pretty good Seagull close up, decided to show it in context. There's a lot going on in the area, that's for sure!!
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